
Are you available to do commissions?

Yes, however there may be a waiting this but Harriet always suggests that booking in early is better so you are not disappointed and then we can discuss what you would like illustrated.

How long does a commission take?

Depending on the type of commission the time scale may vary due to the size and medium of the piece. It is always best to tell Harriet everything she needs to know when enquiring for a commission. The more images, ideas and thoughts the better. She will then keep you up to date as the illustration progress and works with you closely to make sure you are with her every step of the journey. 

Do you illustrate anything else apart from Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers?

Of course!! Harriet is keen and happy to illustrate anything. She has done plenty of commissions of cars, horses, dogs and buildings.

See our commission page here: 


What is digital drawing?

Digital drawing is a modern medium that illustrators and graphic designers use. Harriet currently uses a graphics tablet that is connected to her computer. The tablet is then set up to how she would draw with a pen/pencil/paint brush normally. 

The drawing is then shown on the computer screen and follows her hand movement. Each layer is build up by adding colour and then detail. Once the drawing is finished and you are happy she will then print the digital drawing out on high quality art printing paper.  


Can we stock your work in our shop or gallery?

Yes most definitely! Head over to our wholesale page here and fill out the form:



What are you doing currently to help the environment?

As a small business owner Harriet reuses all her packaging for orders and is always looking into working with other packaging suppliers to help the environment. 

After recently winning a competition with Noissue for one of their renewable soy ink custom stamps, Harriet went on to designing her own eco friendly customised tissue paper. All of Noissues tissue paper has been FSC certified and is acid free! 

What next?

Harriet is currently researching into plastic free sleeves to protect her illustrations when posting. 


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